In every drop of clean water lies the promise of life, health, and opportunity. Yet, across the globe, millions of peopl...
Backed by: Tom Williams Selleck
Our campaign aims to provide food to the hungry, especially in areas affected by war and natural disasters.
Backed by: Tom Williams Selleck
We are working to provide education to children in underdeveloped regions by building schools and providing educational...
Backed by: Tom Williams Selleck
This campaign focuses on providing life-saving medical care to children in impoverished areas. Every donation counts.
Backed by: Tom Williams Selleck
Join our mission to combat deforestation by planting trees in regions affected by logging and environmental disasters.
Nearly 14 million people have now fled the violence in Ukraine. Your donation today can help provide children and displaced families at risk in Ukraine with aid such as food, shelter, and healthcare.
By donating, you'll help provide food, shelter and healthcare to the people of Ukraine, you also help cushion the effect of the Earthquake in Turkey and Syria's displaced families.
If you’re not making someone else’s life better, then you’re wasting your time. Your life will become better by making other lives better.
Serving Humanity is my first piority. #SaveUkraineNow
Gods Hope Charity Home is a nonprofit organization supported by community leaders, corporate sponsors, churches, helpless etc. and concerned citizens
Great Non-Profit Organization, Lets work together to promote Love and Unity.